Kia Ora Sealegs Enthusiasts,
I truly can't believe we're more than halfway through the new year. Being halfway is a great time to show my age and reflect on childhood Latin lessons and introduce the concept of our “Alpha and Omega”. Other than “a great love” a sentiment all of us at Sealegs have for our product the “Alpha” our smallest model, the 3.8m Electric Tender and the 'Omega' 12m Cabin RIB, the largest in the Sealegs range are both due to debut this year. The 12m Cabin RIB will only be available for a short time for viewings and the order book is growing. See below to register your interest.
Along with the largest order book, we also have the largest team in our history. We’re always looking for passionate innovators in every facet of the business. If that sounds like you, or someone you know, I urge you to make contact!
Unfortunately, with all this continued growth, hard work and determination. Sealegs, like many businesses in the manufacturing industry, have continued to battle the ongoing flow on effects of COVID and the impact it has had on the global supply chain. As such, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you with a Sealegs on order for your continued patience as my team works through these uncertain times. I have no doubt things are getting better, and that your new Sealegs will be well worth the wait!
Ngā mihi nui, David McKee Wright Chief Executive Officer Sealegs International Limited